Circular economy – contribution from the forest-based sector
The forest-based sector must be recognized and assessed as an important player in a circular economy. The raw material, the production processes and the products are all parts of circular systems, that contribute to fulfill a resource-efficient and circular economy in Europe.
Sweden is by area the third largest country in Europe, covered with nearly 70% of forest. The forest is one of Sweden's most important resources, natural renewable, which play a central role in an ecological sustainable society and for the economy. The utilization of the forest must occur in a manner that maintains both productivity and biodiversity with renewal and vigor without damaging other ecosystems.
Ever since the 1920's the total standing volume of Swedish forests has increased. The fact that the forest is today growing faster can be explained by changes in land use and improved forest management. In Sweden, 45 % of the harvested forest is used by sawmills, 45 % by the pulp and paper industry and 10 % for fuelwood, poles etc.
Recycling prolongs the use of virgin fibres from sustainably managed forests. They provide a key material for the bio-economy. Forest-based industry competitiveness is built on a sustainable combination of virgin and recycled fibre material.
The circular economy should consider renewability as an integral part of bio- economy.